Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Case of Hidden Toddler Moir Deepens... Part 2

The research continues…

Having received two feedbacks from my first post, I admit I had to revamped some of the information posted.  However, I encourage you to read further below. Plus I could not ignore the points brought forward.

By poster's from previous post in comment section:

"End of 1st Trimester and Beginning of Second": To be clear, Supposed Pregnancy is around end of 13 weeks and start of week 14 (i.e. 3 months or beginning of 4th)

Possible (but not verified) Supposed Pregnancy Months 

June 1 - beginning of 3 months
July 1 - beginning of 4 months
August 1 - beginning of 5 months
September 1 - beginning of 6 months
October 1 - beginning of 7 months
November 1 - beginning of 8 months
December 1 - beginning of 9 months
January 1 - overdue or delivered

note: 1st trimester (weeks 1 to end week 13); 2nd trimester (weeks 14 to end week 26); 3rd trimester (week 27 until birth)

Initially, I had thought of end of January 2011.  However, I strongly reconsidered about her being full-term and delivered at end of January / early February 2011. Only because she will need to take time to recover from birthing AND get back in shape prior to competiting on 4CC 2011 (February 12).

So, I will stick with end of December (if on time) or beginning January 2011 (if overdue) as the possible (but not verified) full-term due date and delivery.
* * * * * * * * * *

The comments and links about “some women don't show”:

I agree and disagree the post. My reasons being: 

Most cases, stories of women who have been pregnant and didn't know are, in fact, already bigger in size (i.e chubby/big boned, etc.) pre-pregnancy

 This fact excludes Tessa (as photos/fans would suggest). (See below)

Pre Olympics and During Olympics Photos

From the various comments from baby boards, I did read that some show much later…and up to 6 months. But it’s not concrete proof because most of these women who post don't give their weight and height pre-pregnancy.  So, it is understood that one who is already small and slender in comparison to one who’s big(her) and tall WILL, of course, differ in appearance of how they carry their babies.

Finally, the likely comment: “people say I am tiny/small belly”, only indicates that they are in fact visibly pregnant (with belly protruding) but not the size they expected it to be and pointed out by others. But most who respond do tell ones asking when they do show…

Only, comments found (with certainty) that you will show up later in the 3rd trimester and that I fully understood as a visible pregnancy in the end of full-term pregnancy)…

Again, NO PROOF of one who is pregnant AND not show at all - unless as mentioned earlier, one who is already bigger in size (i.e. chubby/big boned/fat). 

I can not dispute this very fact in the lines of AVERAGE MAJORITY of mothers-to-be):-

Tessa is of average height 5’5” and of average weight (if not less) - slender in figure, so there is HIGHER possibility she WOULD show (meaning, visibly protruding belly type scenerio) especially at the last trimester (i.e. 7-9 months), the least.

Like this, 

7 months
8 months ... 9 months ...

Of course, the model picture (above) is used as reference
only because she's somewhat similar in figure to Tessa before she was pregnant
and yes, the size of the baby can be smaller or bigger.

However, whether a woman carrying a baby forward or towards the back, 
does NOT make that woman NOT show at all...

* * * * * * * * * *

Since my last post, a poster had corrected me on some of my findings. (In, which I am grateful for). Following that, I had also discovered more events on November 2010 (i had missed OR incorrectly included in previous post)

There are CRUCIAL NEW FINDS (after doing my first article) FOCUSING ONLY ON MONTH OF NOVEMBER 2010

November 2010 (8 month pregnancy stage)

Therefore, the amended November events are as follows (so far):

Public Appearance on CBC for Interview (LIVE) (November 1, 2010)
- refer to previous post for Youtube video

Book Signing at Toronto’s Roots Store (November 2, 2010)*** (NEW FIND)

PJ Kwong News Piece (October 30, 2010)
- provided TWO dates for book signings in Toronto area 

Fan photos of Tessa and Scott at Toronto's Roots Store

Public Appearance at Press Club’s Newsmakers’ Hall of Fame (November ? 2010)*** (NEW FIND)

Main Page for ALL November 2010 Events[]=1372
*** please copy and paste link onto your browser to get it working
*** images are located downwards 5th snapshot (on your left) link to article

Official photos of Tessa and Scott’s attendance at Hall of Fame[]=209088

Tessa in pretty hunter green dress (side view)...

...on her full 7 month and beginning of 8th month pregnancy???

Better (close up) photos of the photos above from taken from fan siteღ-tessa-virtue-♥-61-~-because-shes-my-biggest-fan%3B-shes-my-cheerleader-62975445/

*** Unable to determine exact date based on article. However, Fan site thread post dated November 2 prior to Book Signing may indicate it could have happened on some time around November 1 or November 2.

The Q - Radio/TV interview with Jian Ghomeshi (aired November 3, 2010)

Gemini Awards 2010 (Behind the Scene and Official Photo Ops) (November 12)*** (NEW FIND PHOTOS) 

Tessa @ Gemini Awards Tastemaker Lounge
Highlighted Photo With Belly and Waist Exposed (close to 8 1/2 month of pregnancy?)

Dress Shape after brightening photo
Another clearer photo without lines
Abdominal muscle at work...

At Official Ceremony Photo Op Carpet
(perhaps, she's carrying baby really, really low as to hide under the ruffles)

My question: (based on poster's estimated pregnancy date AND the November photos of Hall of Fame up till now)...

if indeed the idea that she is in her close to mid 8 months pregnancy stage (!) and “carrying the baby towards the back of the mother’s belly (i.e. anterior of the the uterus)”, …

Where is the bulge or “widening of her waist” to indicate so??? 

Shouldn't she actually at this point be covering up ALL the time...

Better yet, pick any week it should be: 16 weeks (4 months); 20 weeks (5 months); 24 weeks (6 months); 28 weeks (7 months); 32 weeks (8 months)

...Or perhaps because she's supposed to carry the baby "towards the back of the uterus",  she must look like this...

Who wore it best?...

News Article(s):*** NEW FIND

2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited., ©  Shelly Holmes and Topics That Make You Go Hmmm blog


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

   An Amateur Investigative Report:      The Intriguing Case Of The Hidden Toddler Moir

I am neither a real investigative reporter nor have close relations of any of the people involved. All images and reports taken (or referred to) can be found through public domain. Please also note: I have not (or have the desire) to venture into individual Facebook accounts or twitters for any facts (pictures or quotes). For the sole reason, I find them either encroaching on personal space (if it’s a real deal). Or, accounts can be faked, Therefore, may corrupt the contents of my article. With exception from a prominent blog, I will refer only to relevant posts and its comments, pertaining to my research. 

* * * * * * * * * *

My research was inspired after a visit to a particular blog. I came across it accidentally early this year while looking for fan forums or blogs on figure skating. Now, I know what you’re thinking. Why this specific blog? Maybe I have a personal grudge or maybe some obsession with this blogger and/or his/her blog.  

Let me tell you now, it is far from that. While some of the posts (and responses by others) posted are worth thinking or talking about, there are more questionable ones that I tend to ignore…well, almost always.;-P However, there is ONE matter in particular that is worth mentioning, since it has been cropping up often in recent posts, prompting much angst among posters from both camps.
Hence, the title of my post
The Intriguing Case Of The Hidden Toddler Moir
You may ask - why do I even bother with such a trivial gossip. Who cares really? Yes, perhaps it seems rather frivolous.  Initially, I thought so too. But like the saying goes, all small things tends to grow into bigger things. 

So, out of great curiosity, I felt compelled to dig for the truth once and for all... 
Who knows...Perhaps somewhere along the way, I will discover that the blogger who is in the know (and others like him/her) could be telling the truth after all...

But what if digging for the truth actually changes everything? So...

This is the Truth, and nothing but the Truth... 

* * * * * * * * * *

Start From the Beginning, Please!
In October 2013, this hot button topic erupted (yet again) in the comments section between the blogger and posters. Interestingly, within the same day, all of those posts - which included a timeline of video links and news to pair with the rumour had been completely erased. In which, an additional note later was placed on blogger's post stating reason for its deletion. 

Hmmmm…Why? Why in particular those specific comments?

(On hindsight, I am now grateful for copy&paste feature)

One legitimate question posted that stood out for me (something along the lines of below)
Since the blogger is in the know, could s/he pinpoint PRECISELY on the given timeline WHERE and WHEN it could have happened?
Now, I was seriously intrigued...

Easy enough, right? Like another poster (or maybe the same) stated any person “in the know” would have responded immediately “There!”…or something like that…

Well...not exactly...
Blogger’s Response
Some of the deleted responses from blogger addressed to the posters were - in summary:

(1) the blogger claim to be in the know. Like, "I KNOW that they (insert rumour)”. 
(2) since it has been brought forward previously, the blogger stated there is no need to rehashed because videos and photos of “evidence” had been "debated to death".
(3) posters are certainly welcome to sort through the blog of three years to find topics and comments (or “lively comments” as s/he puts it) related to it since it’s “smaller than what could be on www”.
(4) lastly, if a poster is seen unconvinced, it's not blogger's job to convince them otherwise…
So, I decided on options #2&3. Followed by #4...

However, my findings came to an abrupt stop. Apparently, since it has "debated to death”, I discovered NO evidence of those supposed videos/photos or, even postings from other people about it (other than a few measly ones by the blogger’s own posts and comments as well as like-minded posters) in my research of his/her blog. 
So, I did what I had to do…Start from scratch!

* * * * * * * * * *

Starting From Scratch!
Here is what I did uncovered in the blog posts and comments (related to the specific rumour):
(1) A girl toddler named Quinn. (found in comment section though not verified with certainty)
(2) Consistent assertion of the a child's existence in certain posts & various comments section
(3) Photo comparison shots of Tessa's figure (presumably, one while pregnant and another post pregnancy)
(4) Photo collages of Tessa in month of October (while pregnant perhaps????) (blogger's January 2011 post)

In the blogger's January 2011 post, photos of Tessa does imply the possibility of her being pregnant - as the caption clearly read: "Nonsense. She simply ate a lot of chocolates" 

How true are all those claims (above) have yet to be proven...

* * * * * * * * * *

Sorting through three years' worth of blogger's posts (including the comments section), I managed to narrow down to a few articles and comments that are relevant to this case. Most importantly, I could set a point of reference to uncover the truth...
Examination of Trail of Evidence of Supposed Rumour

Referring from blogger’s main Post (taken word for word) under May 2013 tag:


Below, referring from blogger’s response in the comment section to a poster related to the above Post:

Using the Statement: “…baby between Worlds 2010 and 4CC 2011…”:
I searched and arrived at the months of March 2010 through to February 2011. That’s 12 months to play with. This certainly helps to narrow down where pregnancy months and estimated delivery date could be. (I say, could because after all, it’s based on an assumption)
Using blogger's (as well as fan posters) comment (see above) on "first tell" of rumoured pregnancy:
I uncovered: (1) Tessa and Scott's Gold Medal Parade in Ilderton, Ontario (June 4, 2010) and (2) Calgary Stampede ice show (July 11, 2010). 

Established (Possible but Not Confirmed) Months For Rumoured Pregnancy***
April/May: 2 months
June/July: 3 months
July/August: 4 months
August/September: 5 months
September/October: 6 months
October/November: 7 months <--- premature delivery date
November/December: 8 months <--- premature delivery date
December/January 2011: 9 months <--- estimated due date
January/February 2011: over 9 months (overdue baby)

***NoteOn average, a first-time mother starts to show around the 4 or 5 month mark. After scrutinizing some of the videos and photos taken from 2010 Calgary Stampede ice show and compared them to the belly progression photos (i.e. other individuals, of course) I could only conclude that possible early months (in which she could be pregnant but no show yet) would be June or July. I had placed two months side by side to indicate that it could be either or the two months she is what week/month of pregnancy.  If I did go earlier than June and July, she would have had a clearly noticeable bump by July, if you refer to progression photos provided. Or if I go later, she would be extremely visible through her public appearances then as she would be in her last trimester (i.e. 7-9 month pregnancy). See the month heading and visuals provided as you read further down...

* * * * * * * * * *

Now The Real Trail Begins!
Assessment Of The Rumoured Mother-To-Be
Tessa (on her bio) is described as 5ft 5in and eyeing her figure at Olympics 2010, she could be between 55kg/120lbs to max. 60kg/130lbs. (Note: Unfortunately, I was unable to find her exact weight during my web search)

Sidenote: Later, I will be getting a bit technical with numbers to coincide with pregnancy progression. Bare in mind, it will make sense as I continue on with the case. For the sake of research, I have also included belly progression photos (of individuals with similar stature/figure and of race as Tessa) and link of how pregnancy is measured for your use -
Basic Facts About Pregnancy
First-time moms often start showing later because their muscles haven't been stretched by a previous pregnancy. And women who are tall or have long torsos may have a smaller-looking bump, because they have more space for the baby to fill, lengthwise. 
A woman who was average weight before getting pregnant should gain 25 to 35 pounds after becoming pregnant. Underweight women should gain 28 to 40 pounds. And overweight women may need to gain only 15 to 25 pounds during pregnancy.
In general, a pregnant woman should gain about 2 to 4 pounds during the first three months she's pregnant and 1 pound a week during the rest of the pregnancy.
A healthy, normal length pregnancy is measured to up to 40 weeks (barring, Tessa being overdue or give birth prematurely)
Photo Examples Of Belly Progression***

Some photos are numbered as 2,4,6 = it just means pregnancy in weeks so 4 weeks is considered as 1 month, 8 weeks is 2 months, 12 weeks is 3 months, etc...

Some photos are placed in accordance to months of pregnancy = 1st from the left is 1 month, 2nd from the left is two months, ... last photo (or 1st right)  is 9 months.

***True fact! Every woman’s body is different when pregnant. Taking into account Tessa's athlete body and for a first-time pregnancy, she may probably show much later (around her 4 or 5-month mark) and however, she would be progressively visible as she arrives at the last trimester of pregnancy (i.e. 7-9 months). This ESPECIALLY if you are trim/slender pre-pregnancy.

* * * * * * * * * *

Establishing The Timeline
Three months/12 weeks (June/July)
Time period where pregnancy can still be hidden from public (Refer: belly progression photo)
Tessa and Scott performed in HyundaiCard Supermatch Medallist on ice a week earlier (June 6)
I tried to search for the original website to this event. However, it no longer exist but a fan forum listed them as performers in show
HyundaiCard Supermatch Medallist On Ice performance (June 6)

Tessa and Scott's Gold Medal Parade Celebration (June 12)

Ilderton Celebrates ice dance champs (London Free Press) by Ryan Pyette
- all photo images embedded in news article

Four months/16 weeks (July/August)
Time period where she could show how ever small it could be…(Refer to belly progression: 4th from the left if visible or if not, 3rd from left)

Acrobatic Ice Show @ 2010 Calgary Stampede (July 11) 
Tessa and Scott “Jack and Diane” performances
Calgary Stampede 2010 Photos
- provides good close ups / visual photos of Scott and Tessa's performance (and dance positions Tessa was in). Definitely interested in the close up midriff that was commented on within the blogger site...

As I was researching the months of July and October. I discovered that there were TWO shows using the name ATS - One, All That Skate Summer (July 23) in Korea and Second, All That Skate LA (October 2-3). 

Five months/20 weeks (August/September)
Time period where she could show how ever small it could be…(Refer to belly progression: 5th from left OR if not visible yet 4th from left)

For the month of August, there were no news as far as my research goes. I would appreciate any info should anyone do find anything during this month.

Six months/24 weeks (September/October)
Time period where she could have an early birth safely…however, rather prematurely. She would be clearly visible and bigger now. (Refer to belly progression: 5th or 6th from left) You may also refer to the photo way above too, if to see difference in size...

Tessa and Scott interview on Hamilton Life (September 20)
Youtube video:

Shall We Dance On Ice (with Canadian Tenors)(September 22)
YouTube (Customer/Fan) cam video shoot:

Seven months/28 weeks (October/November)
Time period where she could have an early birth safely…however, rather prematurely. Or, she will be clearly visible and bigger. (Refer to belly progression: 6th or 7th from left)

2010 All That Skate LA Tour
Press Conference Photo

Practice Performance Photos
Photo of practice:

All That Skate LA 2010 / Figure Skating

2010 All That Skate LA

Performance Photos at 2010 All That Skate LA ( Photos from

Close up on photo from above (6/7 months pregnant??)

How about this one?

Or this?

All That Skate 2010 LA Performers Photo Op

Maybe this is the infamous photo rumoured to be her fully pregnant?

CTS interview (aired October 7)***

*** Aired Oct. 7: their outfits seem to indicate that it was taped in September 2010 (see Hamilton Life in September section)

Another conclusion I could come up with is that: Tessa did her last show early October before her surgery. And later attended an event for October 24 (below). Whether she actually participated in the event or there to support this event, I am uncertain. 

Audi Best Buddies 10K Race - Toronto, Ontario, Canada (October 24)
Official Website (Audi Best Buddies Run) with Photo Op 

She's close to 7/8 months mark...
Website for Temperature in Toronto, Canada
2010 Skate Canada International (October 29-31)
Posted interviews via media were the only public appearances I found of Tessa and Scott. She provided her health regarding her post-op surgery. Since it’s done close to the time of Skate Canada competition, they were not competing then.
Interview with Brenda Irving at 2010 Skate Canada international (October 30)

CBC 2010 Skate Canada Interview with PJ Kwong (October 30)
Youtube video:
8 months/32 weeks (November/December)***
*** Please refer to my new post "Part 2" since corrections have been made for this section. Thank you...
Time period where she would be waiting to give birth…(Refer to belly progression: 7th or 8th from the left)

Virtue Moir CBC Interview

Note: Granted it black but everything is tight fitted. If she wanted to keep her pregnancy hidden would it be prudent of her to cover up since the moment she actually shows?
In addition to be in her last trimester of pregnancy, they were committed to doing at least two shows (which I could find) for the month of November…

Teaser Video of Shall we dance show (NBC)
Instrument of Peace (Canadian Tenors)(November 7)
YouTube video (uploaded on November 15)***:

*** Is it me or is she wearing the same dress she wore at September 22 show (2 months ago)?

YouTube video (uploaded November 20):

2010 Gemini Awards (November 12)
Once again, if Tessa is close to giving birth to her first child (and adamant for her pregnancy to remain a secret), why would she pose with her coat buttons open, rather than closed, here? Either that she wore some serious girdle contraption I would love to get my hands on! ;)

9 months/36 weeks (December/January 2011)
This the time where she would have delivered baby…(since we estimated earlier in early June, it is only correct (and if on time) she’d given birth some time in late December. OR if July, it would be January (refer to belly progression: 8th or 9th from left)

Backstage Pass & Book signing (December 4 @ Hershey Center)
Winter Dreams On Ice (December 19)
“Let It Snow” performance

“I Wanna Hold Your Hand” performance

Finale performance
Close up of Tessa and Scott at 2:49 minute mark
Over 9 months (January 2011)
This the time where she would have delivered rumoured baby…or very visibly pregnant if overdue (Refer to belly progression)

For the month of January, There were no news as far as my research goes. I would appreciate any info should anyone do find anything during this month.

February 2011

Interview with Jian Ghomeshi (Uploaded on Feb 4 - aired November 3)

Return to competitive skating to 4CC 2011 (February) and Worlds 2011(March)

Verdict: Could it be that Tessa had been a victim of camera and lighting discrimination? A undisclosed eating disorder? Subjected to a new rigorous exercise regime prior to 4CC 2011 and Worlds 2011? A case of bad wardrobe choices in 2010? Or quite simply grown from young lady to woman…

Fact still remains the blogger and like-mind posters truly believe that a child does exist... 

Whatever the reason,
 I have to say this time...
I'll let my facts do the talking...

2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited., ©  Shelly Holmes and Topics That Make You Go Hmmm blog